A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

This tool allows for the easy creation of LODs from your models with only a few clicks.

The tool allows you to save each LOD as a separate GLTF file, or embed the LOD meta data in a separate file.  This meta data file can be used in libGDX using a easy to use LOD engine demo project.

Quick Overview

  • Models are automatically optimized and LODs are generated on import. The default configuration is good in most cases, so just click EXPORT and you are done.
  • You need to click GENERATE if you change any LOD  settings.  Zoom camera in/out to see LOD transitions by using camera buttons or WASD or CURSOR keys.
  • Exporting LODs as separate GLTF files allows for your own custom LOD solution on any game engine.
  • If exporting using LOD meta data file, then you  can use the libGDX LOD example project as a template.  GitHub repository: https://github.com/antzGames/Level_Of_Detail_Demo


  • auto mesh optimize on import.
  • auto LOD generation on import.
  • exports LODs as separate GLTF files with one click.
  • fully customizable LOD configuration:
    • number of LODs can be 3 to 8 levels.
    •  configurable simplification factor.
    •  configurable target error.
  • can save LOD meta data into a separate file.
  • fully preview all LODs before exporting.
  • contains a built in animation player.
  • based on the industry standard meshoptimizer library.

How to Use

GUI ItemDescription
IMPORT ButtonWill import your GLB or GLTF file and automatically optimize all meshes, and automatically generate all LODs.  The number of LODs generated will be the current configured Number of LODs setting.
GENERATE ButtonThis button will regenerate the LODs with the current LOD settings.  This is needed when ever you change any of the LOD configuration settings.
EXPORT ButtonWill export based on the Export Type:

Option 1: Create a separate GLTF file per LOD.
Option 2: A single optimized GLTF file plus a separate LOD meta file.  This export set can be used in the libGDX LOD demo example project at:  https://github.com/antzGames/Level_Of_Detail_Demo

Both options export models that have been optimized.
Export TypeOption 1: Create a separate GLTF file per LOD is the default.
Option 2: A single optimized GLTF file plus a separate LOD meta file. 
Number of LODsThe number of LODs to generate.  Configurable between 3 and 8.

 You should reduce the LOD Reduction setting for each LOD less than 8.
LOD ReductionA value between 0-1 that represents the amount the LODs will retain from the previous LOD level.  A value of 0.66 means than LOD1 will be 66% the detail of LOD0.

Another way of saying the same thing is LOD1 will be 33% less detailed than LOD0.

As stated previous the lower number of LODs should mean a lower LOD Reduction setting.
Target ErrorA value between 0-1 that represents the amount of error the simplification algorithm has to try to simplify the model.

Some models (like the Bunny) will require a larger Target Error to properly simplify and generate good LODs.
Current LOD LevelShows the current LOD of the Model based on the Camera LOD Distance Splits.

If being dragged, the user can cycle threw all the LODs and force the LOD level change.
Camera LOD Distance SplitsA list of camera distances that are used by the tool (and the libGDX LOD demo project) to trigger a LOD change in the model.
RESET LOD Generation SettingsClicking this button will reset all LOD generation settings to the default.

A  YouTube video showing how to use this tool: 

A libGDX based demo using the LOD meta data exported from this tool is located here:  https://github.com/antzGames/Level_Of_Detail_Demo

Updated 20 hours ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Made withlibGDX
Tags3D, easy, export, libGDX, lod, mesh, Modeling, optimizer, performance, tool
Average sessionA few minutes


GLTF_LOD_Generator-linuxX64.zip 55 MB
GLTF_LOD_Generator-winX64.zip 51 MB

Install instructions

Windows:  Download and unzip the Windows version.  Launch the EXE file.

Linux:  Download and unzip the Linux version.   chmod +x the executable.  Launch the executable.

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